Nuriye Arslan and Hoşyar Sarıyıldız, co-mayors of Mersin’s Akdeniz district from the pro-Kurdish DEM Party, have been detained over alleged terrorism connections and replaced by government appointees. Their removal follows a pattern of similar removals and replacements across Turkey in recent months and years.
News of the pair’s removal was first announced Friday (January 10). This morning (January 13), news emerged that a central government-appointed trustee had been appointed in their place.
According to a statement released by the Turkish Interior Ministry, the charges involve “membership in PKK/KCK terror organization, funding of terror, and terror propaganda.” Critics argue that these actions represent a significant erosion of democratic norms in the country.
In addition to Arslan and Sarıyıldız, four members of parliament were also taken into detention in connection with the investigation.
Reaction from DEM
DEM Party co-chairwoman Tülay Hatimoğulları released a post on social media following. the arrests in which she characterized the event as “A coup against the public. will,” adding, “The trustees will leave and we will win.”
The DEM Party’s governing board also released a statement describing the dismissals. as “The biggest threat to the ongoing process,” referencing ongoing attempts to reboot the. ‘solution process’ aimed at solving Turkey’s long-running ‘Kurdish problem’.
On Monday, protesters gathered outside the Akdeniz municipal building.
- Opposition mayors in three southeastern provinces deposed following last week’s removal of Istanbul district mayor
- Mayor of Turkey’s Hakkari province removed from office following alleged ties to terrorism
Trustee appointments in Turkey
Since 2019’s local elections, the removal of democratically elected politicians from pro-Kurdish.parties has become widespread in Turkey. In recent months, the practice has. continued, resulting in the appointment of central government replacements in Mardin,. Batman, and Halfeti, Istanbul’s Esenyurt district, and Hakkari province.
Written/translated for Medyascope by Leo Kendrick
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