Israeli advisory committee recommends preparation for potential conflict with Turkey

The Nagel Committee, an advisory board tasked by the Israeli government in identifying national security threats, has released a report recommending that Israel prepare for potential conflict with Turkey.

A report complied by a panel appointed by Netanyahu argued that Turkey’s recent attempts to rebuild its Ottoman-era regional influence could lead to tension and conflict with Israel. 

The report prepared by the Nagel Committee was presented to high-ranking Israeli officials. The warnings in the report focus particularly on the potential security threat posed by Turkey-backed groups operating in Syria, which it warns could pose future threats more serious even than the one currently faced by Israel from Iran.

Report recommends precautionary measures

The precautionary measures recommended by the report to counter a potential threat from Turkey include an increase in Israel’s military spending, investments in fighter jets such as new F-15s, and drones.

The report also recommended a modernization of Israel’s Iron Dome defense system.

Netanyahu’s reaction

In a cabinet meeting following the release of the report, Israeli President Benjamin. Netanyahu reportedly emphasized the changing dynamics in the Middle East and the. emergence of new powers.

Netanyahu also agreed with the assessment that Israel’s defense spending should be increased. 

Turkey-Israel relations

Once viewed as Israel’s most agreeable Muslim neighbor, tensions between the two. countries have risen considerably over the past two decades,.marked by such events as the. 2010 Gaza flotilla raid and numerous conflicts in the Gaza Strip. Following a period of diplomatic thaw in 2022,.diplomatic relations between the two neighbors were once again. severed in 2024 due to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Over the past year, Turkey has advocated for proceedings against Israel at the International. Court of Justice, while Israel has called for Turkey’s ejection from NATO.

Written/translated for Medyascope by Leo Kendrick

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